group lines
Klein provides three line classes: "line", "branch", and "ideal_line". The line class represents a full six-coordinate bivector. The branch contains three non-degenerate components (aka, a line through the origin). The ideal line represents the line at infinity. When the line is created as a meet of two planes or join of two points (or carefully selected Plücker coordinates), it will be a Euclidean line (factorizable as the meet of two vectors).
Members | Descriptions |
public ideal_line () = default |
public ideal_line (float a,float b,float c) noexcept |
public ideal_line (__m128 xmm) noexcept |
public float squared_ideal_norm () noexcept |
public float ideal_norm () noexcept |
public ideal_line &KLN_VEC_CALL operator+= (ideal_line b) noexcept |
Ideal line addition. |
public ideal_line &KLN_VEC_CALL operator-= (ideal_line b) noexcept |
Ideal line subtraction. |
public ideal_line & operator*= (float s) noexcept |
Ideal line uniform scale. |
public ideal_line & operator*= (int s) noexcept |
Ideal line uniform scale. |
public ideal_line & operator/= (float s) noexcept |
Ideal line uniform inverse scale. |
public ideal_line & operator/= (int s) noexcept |
Ideal line uniform inverse scale. |
public float e01 () const noexcept |
public float e10 () const noexcept |
public float e02 () const noexcept |
public float e20 () const noexcept |
public float e03 () const noexcept |
public float e30 () const noexcept |
public ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator+ (ideal_line a,ideal_line b) noexcept |
Ideal line addition. |
public ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator- (ideal_line a,ideal_line b) noexcept |
Ideal line subtraction. |
public ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (ideal_line l,float s) noexcept |
Ideal line uniform scale. |
public ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (ideal_line l,int s) noexcept |
Ideal line uniform scale. |
public ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (float s,ideal_line l) noexcept |
Ideal line uniform scale. |
public ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (int s,ideal_line l) noexcept |
Ideal line uniform scale. |
public ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator/ (ideal_line l,float s) noexcept |
Ideal line uniform inverse scale. |
public ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator/ (ideal_line l,int s) noexcept |
public ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator- (ideal_line l) noexcept |
Unary minus. |
public ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator~ (ideal_line l) noexcept |
Reversion operator. |
public branch () = default |
public branch (float a,float b,float c) noexcept |
Construct the branch as the following multivector: |
public branch (__m128 xmm) noexcept |
public float squared_norm () noexcept |
If a line is constructed as the regressive product (join) of two points, the squared norm provided here is the squared distance between the two points (provided the points are normalized). Returns . |
public float norm () noexcept |
Returns the square root of the quantity produced by squared_norm . |
public void normalize () noexcept |
public branch normalized () const noexcept |
public void invert () noexcept |
public branch inverse () const noexcept |
public branch &KLN_VEC_CALL operator+= (branch b) noexcept |
Branch addition. |
public branch &KLN_VEC_CALL operator-= (branch b) noexcept |
Branch subtraction. |
public branch & operator*= (float s) noexcept |
Branch uniform scale. |
public branch & operator*= (int s) noexcept |
Branch uniform scale. |
public branch & operator/= (float s) noexcept |
Branch uniform inverse scale. |
public branch & operator/= (int s) noexcept |
Branch uniform inverse scale. |
public float e12 () const noexcept |
public float e21 () const noexcept |
public float z () const noexcept |
public float e31 () const noexcept |
public float e13 () const noexcept |
public float y () const noexcept |
public float e23 () const noexcept |
public float e32 () const noexcept |
public float x () const noexcept |
public branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator+ (branch a,branch b) noexcept |
Branch addition. |
public branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator- (branch a,branch b) noexcept |
Branch subtraction. |
public branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (branch b,float s) noexcept |
Branch uniform scale. |
public branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (branch b,int s) noexcept |
Branch uniform scale. |
public branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (float s,branch b) noexcept |
Branch uniform scale. |
public branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (int s,branch b) noexcept |
Branch uniform scale. |
public branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator/ (branch b,float s) noexcept |
Branch uniform inverse scale. |
public branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator/ (branch b,int s) noexcept |
Branch uniform inverse scale. |
public branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator- (branch b) noexcept |
Unary minus. |
public branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator~ (branch b) noexcept |
Reversion operator. |
public line () = default |
public line (float a,float b,float c,float d,float e,float f) noexcept |
A line is specifed by 6 coordinates which correspond to the line's Plücker coordinates. The coordinates specified in this way correspond to the following multivector: |
public line (__m128 xmm1,__m128 xmm2) noexcept |
public line (ideal_line other) noexcept |
public line (branch other) noexcept |
public float norm () noexcept |
Returns the square root of the quantity produced by squared_norm . |
public float squared_norm () noexcept |
If a line is constructed as the regressive product (join) of two points, the squared norm provided here is the squared distance between the two points (provided the points are normalized). Returns . |
public void normalize () noexcept |
Normalize a line such that . |
public line normalized () const noexcept |
Return a normalized copy of this line. |
public void invert () noexcept |
public line inverse () const noexcept |
public bool KLN_VEC_CALL operator== (line other) const noexcept |
Bitwise comparison. |
public bool KLN_VEC_CALL approx_eq (line other,float epsilon) const noexcept |
public line &KLN_VEC_CALL operator+= (line b) noexcept |
Line addition. |
public line &KLN_VEC_CALL operator-= (line b) noexcept |
Line subtraction. |
public line & operator*= (float s) noexcept |
Line uniform scale. |
public line & operator*= (int s) noexcept |
Line uniform scale. |
public line & operator/= (float s) noexcept |
Line uniform inverse scale. |
public line & operator/= (int s) noexcept |
Line uniform inverse scale. |
public float e12 () const noexcept |
public float e21 () const noexcept |
public float e31 () const noexcept |
public float e13 () const noexcept |
public float e23 () const noexcept |
public float e32 () const noexcept |
public float e01 () const noexcept |
public float e10 () const noexcept |
public float e02 () const noexcept |
public float e20 () const noexcept |
public float e03 () const noexcept |
public float e30 () const noexcept |
public line KLN_VEC_CALL operator+ (line a,line b) noexcept |
Line addition. |
public line KLN_VEC_CALL operator- (line a,line b) noexcept |
Line subtraction. |
public line KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (line l,float s) noexcept |
Line uniform scale. |
public line KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (line l,int s) noexcept |
Line uniform scale. |
public line KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (float s,line l) noexcept |
Line uniform scale. |
public line KLN_VEC_CALL operator* (int s,line l) noexcept |
Line uniform scale. |
public line KLN_VEC_CALL operator/ (line r,float s) noexcept |
Line uniform inverse scale. |
public line KLN_VEC_CALL operator/ (line r,int s) noexcept |
Line uniform inverse scale. |
public line KLN_VEC_CALL operator- (line l) noexcept |
Unary minus. |
public line KLN_VEC_CALL operator~ (line l) noexcept |
Reversion operator. |
ideal_line() = default
ideal_line(float a,float b,float c) noexcept
ideal_line(__m128 xmm) noexcept
float squared_ideal_norm() noexcept
float ideal_norm() noexcept
ideal_line &KLN_VEC_CALL operator+=(ideal_line b) noexcept
Ideal line addition.
ideal_line &KLN_VEC_CALL operator-=(ideal_line b) noexcept
Ideal line subtraction.
ideal_line & operator*=(float s) noexcept
Ideal line uniform scale.
ideal_line & operator*=(int s) noexcept
Ideal line uniform scale.
ideal_line & operator/=(float s) noexcept
Ideal line uniform inverse scale.
ideal_line & operator/=(int s) noexcept
Ideal line uniform inverse scale.
float e01() const noexcept
float e10() const noexcept
float e02() const noexcept
float e20() const noexcept
float e03() const noexcept
float e30() const noexcept
ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator+(ideal_line a,ideal_line b) noexcept
Ideal line addition.
ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator-(ideal_line a,ideal_line b) noexcept
Ideal line subtraction.
ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(ideal_line l,float s) noexcept
Ideal line uniform scale.
ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(ideal_line l,int s) noexcept
Ideal line uniform scale.
ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(float s,ideal_line l) noexcept
Ideal line uniform scale.
ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(int s,ideal_line l) noexcept
Ideal line uniform scale.
ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator/(ideal_line l,float s) noexcept
Ideal line uniform inverse scale.
ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator/(ideal_line l,int s) noexcept
ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator-(ideal_line l) noexcept
Unary minus.
ideal_line KLN_VEC_CALL operator~(ideal_line l) noexcept
Reversion operator.
branch() = default
branch(float a,float b,float c) noexcept
Construct the branch as the following multivector:
To convince yourself this is a line through the origin, remember that such a line can be generated using the geometric product of two planes through the origin.
branch(__m128 xmm) noexcept
float squared_norm() noexcept
If a line is constructed as the regressive product (join) of two points, the squared norm provided here is the squared distance between the two points (provided the points are normalized). Returns .
float norm() noexcept
Returns the square root of the quantity produced by squared_norm
void normalize() noexcept
branch normalized() const noexcept
void invert() noexcept
branch inverse() const noexcept
branch &KLN_VEC_CALL operator+=(branch b) noexcept
Branch addition.
branch &KLN_VEC_CALL operator-=(branch b) noexcept
Branch subtraction.
branch & operator*=(float s) noexcept
Branch uniform scale.
branch & operator*=(int s) noexcept
Branch uniform scale.
branch & operator/=(float s) noexcept
Branch uniform inverse scale.
branch & operator/=(int s) noexcept
Branch uniform inverse scale.
float e12() const noexcept
float e21() const noexcept
float z() const noexcept
float e31() const noexcept
float e13() const noexcept
float y() const noexcept
float e23() const noexcept
float e32() const noexcept
float x() const noexcept
branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator+(branch a,branch b) noexcept
Branch addition.
branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator-(branch a,branch b) noexcept
Branch subtraction.
branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(branch b,float s) noexcept
Branch uniform scale.
branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(branch b,int s) noexcept
Branch uniform scale.
branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(float s,branch b) noexcept
Branch uniform scale.
branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(int s,branch b) noexcept
Branch uniform scale.
branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator/(branch b,float s) noexcept
Branch uniform inverse scale.
branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator/(branch b,int s) noexcept
Branch uniform inverse scale.
branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator-(branch b) noexcept
Unary minus.
branch KLN_VEC_CALL operator~(branch b) noexcept
Reversion operator.
line() = default
line(float a,float b,float c,float d,float e,float f) noexcept
A line is specifed by 6 coordinates which correspond to the line's Plücker coordinates. The coordinates specified in this way correspond to the following multivector:
line(__m128 xmm1,__m128 xmm2) noexcept
line(ideal_line other) noexcept
line(branch other) noexcept
float norm() noexcept
Returns the square root of the quantity produced by squared_norm
float squared_norm() noexcept
If a line is constructed as the regressive product (join) of two points, the squared norm provided here is the squared distance between the two points (provided the points are normalized). Returns .
void normalize() noexcept
Normalize a line such that .
line normalized() const noexcept
Return a normalized copy of this line.
void invert() noexcept
line inverse() const noexcept
bool KLN_VEC_CALL operator==(line other) const noexcept
Bitwise comparison.
bool KLN_VEC_CALL approx_eq(line other,float epsilon) const noexcept
line &KLN_VEC_CALL operator+=(line b) noexcept
Line addition.
line &KLN_VEC_CALL operator-=(line b) noexcept
Line subtraction.
line & operator*=(float s) noexcept
Line uniform scale.
line & operator*=(int s) noexcept
Line uniform scale.
line & operator/=(float s) noexcept
Line uniform inverse scale.
line & operator/=(int s) noexcept
Line uniform inverse scale.
float e12() const noexcept
float e21() const noexcept
float e31() const noexcept
float e13() const noexcept
float e23() const noexcept
float e32() const noexcept
float e01() const noexcept
float e10() const noexcept
float e02() const noexcept
float e20() const noexcept
float e03() const noexcept
float e30() const noexcept
line KLN_VEC_CALL operator+(line a,line b) noexcept
Line addition.
line KLN_VEC_CALL operator-(line a,line b) noexcept
Line subtraction.
line KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(line l,float s) noexcept
Line uniform scale.
line KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(line l,int s) noexcept
Line uniform scale.
line KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(float s,line l) noexcept
Line uniform scale.
line KLN_VEC_CALL operator*(int s,line l) noexcept
Line uniform scale.
line KLN_VEC_CALL operator/(line r,float s) noexcept
Line uniform inverse scale.
line KLN_VEC_CALL operator/(line r,int s) noexcept
Line uniform inverse scale.
line KLN_VEC_CALL operator-(line l) noexcept
Unary minus.
line KLN_VEC_CALL operator~(line l) noexcept
Reversion operator.